Applying for a LInc Grant

Have you always wanted to apply for a Lesbians incorporated grant but haven’t been sure about how to go about the process? Well, you are in luck! Here is a step by step guide in how to submit an application using the Submittable platform.

Step 1:

Go to the Lesbians Inc website

and CLICK on the submittable button

Step 2:

Read the information about applying for a LInc grant and scroll to the bottom of the page. and click through to read the eligibility requirements.  If you are ready to submit an application, it is time to begin using Submittable.  If you have an account you are all set to click the button on the left. 

If you haven’t used submittable it is easy and free to set up an account, start the application process and navigate using the buttons on the right.

Step 3:

You are on your way to successfully applying for a grant!  Please fill out the required fields, sometimes you may need to use the dropdown menu and at the bottom of each page there is a save as you go button to continue to fill out the information.  Submittable also allows you to save as you go so if you need to take break, gather information or make a budget, you can always come back to your application as long as you haven’t clicked the Submit Button.

Once you have entered all your information and filled out the required fields you can click the submit button.  Then your application is submitted and will be ready for our committee to review once the deadline has passed.

Then you should see this screen – Success!!!

If you have any questions after submitting please contact our Communications Coordinator, Katie at  

Decisions on funding applications will be made by the LInc Committee. Applicants who are unsuccessful may, and are encouraged re-submit their proposal to future funding rounds.

For Round 1 – 2021: 

Submissions opened Monday, February 1st, 2021
Submissions will close Saturday, 13th March 2021 (at midnight)
Recipients will be announced by Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 

Note that no grant monies are dispersed before the announcement dates as listed above.