Following are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions by applicants interested in the LInc community grants program. This information is best read in conjunction with the guidelines and application form.
- When will I find out if my application has been successful or not?
- Who assesses the applications?
- How many grants will be made?
- When applying for a small grant, do I stand a better chance if I ask for less than $500?
- Must everyone involved in the project be a lesbian?
- Will interviews be conducted?
- Can I submit more than one project at a time?
- What format should I use for the Budget?
- Will I receive feedback on my application?
- How will grants for successful applications be paid?
- What if the project is not completed
- If I receive funding do I have to write a report at the conclusion of the project?
- Can you tell me some of the reasons for previous applications not receiving funding?
- If I have applied previously can I apply again?
- Do I have to pay again?
- Are there any additional criteria when applying for a large grant up to $10,000?
When will I find out if my application has been successful or not?
The committee aims to assess applications within 12 weeks of the closing date. We will notify you if your application has been successful or not, but we do not provide feedback on individual applications. A limited amount of money is available for each grant round, and if your grant is rejected, it does not mean that your idea is not worthwhile. You may apply again in a later round.
Who assesses the applications?
The assessment panel is comprised of the current LInc Committee who may consult representatives of lesbian communities, and others as appropriate, to make recommendations to the Committee. All members of the Committee and any others consulted will agree to treat applications with respectful confidentiality.
How many grants will be made?
The committee will assess grant applications for up to $2,000 at any time.
Do I stand a better chance if I ask for less than $500?
All applications will be judged against the same criteria. We are not always able to fully fund the amount requested.
Must everyone involved in the project be a lesbian?
Not necessarily. Lesbian friendly organisations and groups may also apply.
Lesbians Inc supports those who identify as women, wom*n, male to female transgender or trans*, or non-binary and all are welcome. Lesbians Inc is inclusive of lesbians, dykes, gays, bisexual, queer, asexual and acknowledges that we may move between these.
Will interviews be conducted?
We do not interview applicants. We assess projects on the basis of the application. You must make sure that you have included all the required information and any relevant supporting material with your application by the closing date.
Can I submit more than one project at a time?
What format should I use for the Budget?
We will accept the budget in any format which is legible, specific and easily understood.
Will I receive feedback on my application?
No. As we are a Committee of volunteers, our time is limited and the number of applications may be large.
How will grants for successful applications be paid?
Members and successful applicants will be notified by email (or post if no email address is supplied). We will also make press releases, and report on successful grants at our AGM.
What if the project is not completed?
Any money not spent by the completion date specified on the application form is to be returned to LInc. Receipts should be kept to document money spent.
If I receive funding do I have to write a report at the conclusion of the project?
Yes. A brief evaluation of the success of your project would be appreciated.
Can you tell me some of the reasons for previous applications not receiving funding?
Some of the more common reasons were incomplete applications, poor budgeting and missing referrals. But our main constraint is that we are limited to a certain amount in order to preserve the benefit of the fund for the future.
If I have applied previously can I apply again?
Are there any additional criteria when applying for a large grant up to $2,000?
The large grant scheme is aimed at supporting innovative broad-based community projects. Applications for projects solely of benefit to individuals will not be accepted. Essential criteria include relevant experience and a detailed budget proposal.