In May of 2020 the Herland Co-operative received a grant from Lesbians Incorporated for their Women’s Building Course. The Herland Co-operative is a group of wimmin who own and run a rural property that is for the exclusive use of wimmin. This land has been running for over 30 years and in that time hundreds of wimmin, the majority of whom identify as lesbians, have come there to live or visit.
In the recent devastating fires that have swept across Australia, Herland lost a number of buildings, most importantly our communal house in the Herland communal space.
They have designated an entire week before the next gathering to hold a Wimmin’s Building Course where we will have very intensive daily working bees with a group of volunteers who will be rebuilding a totally new structure. The grant from LInc will go towards the building supplies, so they are sourcing other funding as well.
This will be a learning experience for all and wimmin who have no previous building experience but would like to learn how to build are welcome. The wimmin’s building course is scheduled to be held from Sept 25- Oct 2nd, 2020.