Vintage Rainbow Music YouTube Channel – Round One 2022 Grant Recipient 

LInc Spotlight
LInc Recipient Spotlight: Our recipients for round one 2022 represent a diverse group of the LGBTIQ+ community in Australia. These recipients demonstrate how the LGBTIQ+ Community grows and flourishes with visibility and support.

Vintage Rainbow Music YouTube Channel

Vintage Rainbow Music YouTube Channel will provide a safe place for lesbians and the wider LGBTIQA+ community to gather on YouTube. To give a behind-the-scenes example of lesbian marriage thereby normalising lesbian marriage. By focusing on things that we all have in common. The channel will aim to normalise lesbian marriage in the broader mainstream community. These things include home life such as house maintenance, gardening, housework, budgeting, music, vintage, joy, comedy and encouragement. The creators want to release approximately 3 YouTube videos per week. 2 of these videos will be on Homelife and Vintage. 1 of these videos will be a music live stream where they will perform music and comedy.

By providing a real-life example of lesbian marriage we are normalising it. They will provide a safe online place for lesbians and the larger LGBTIQA+ community to come and experience togetherness. By concentrating on something like flowers, music or food that all genders and sexualities have in common, they will create a middle ground or a bridge where everyone can all gather in peace and harmony concentrating on commonalities, not our differences. (But without being heteronormative).

Vintage Rainbow Music YouTube Channel