Later Life Lesbians Coming Out podcast – (***Edit** This was to be recorded in March 2020, edited in May air in June – but this time line has been postponed due to COVID-19. Recording has resumed in June 2020 – please stay tuned to fine out the release date).
JOY 94.9 Community Radio Station is incorporated in Victoria as JOY Melbourne Inc., and is a member of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. JOY 94.9 is an independent voice for the diverse lesbian gay bi-sexual transgender & intersex communities listened to by 589,000 monthly listeners across Australia.
JOY received a grant from Lesbians Incorporated in round two of 2019 to create a podcast episode that shares the experiences and learnings of Lesbian women who have come out later in life, potentially after being in a heterosexual marriage and having children.
The podcast will be hosted on the JOY website and promoted through their networks, social media and on-air messaging. The purpose of the podcast is to provide Lesbians with support and knowledge to assist their journey and daily challenges via the sharing of experiences. A podcast by its nature can be discreet, listened to at the audience’s chosen time, place and method. It is one of the most flexible yet intimate ways of sharing knowledge and experiences. The podcast will feature interviews (by a Lesbian woman) of Lesbian women who have come out later in life, along with referrals to support groups and other knowledge sources.