One week left to apply for Lesbians Incorporated second round of grants in 2019 – applications close at midnight 1 September 2019. We are taking the time to put a spotlight on past grant recipients, to inspire and encourage you to apply for your own grant with LInc. In May of this year Danielle Warby was awarded a grant to support her masters research at Griffith University.
What is your idea, project or passion to create spaces for lesbian women and the LGBTQI+ community in your area of Australia?
Danielle Warby received a LInc grant to conduct oral history research focusing on lesbians in Australian sport. Women who have been influential with their contribution to sport even while their story is often unknown or ignored.
Danielle’s research aims to explore and share the experience of lesbian women and the contribution they have made to Australian sport. A role that has often been neglected or omitted in previous tellings of the history of sport in Australia. Despite the pervasive stereotype that there are a lot of lesbians in sport.
If you are keen to know more sign up for Danielle’s weekly newsletter and get your weekly women in sport fix at daniellewarby.com