Lesbians Incorporated weekly spotlight focuses on successful past grant recipients, with an aim to inspire new submissions for grant applications. Do you have a community project, space or idea that supports lesbians, LGBTQI+ spaces and identity? Then apply for a LInc grant today!
Grant round two for 2019 is currently open for applications and we have extended the submissions deadline, applications will close on 5 September 2019 at midnight. Apply here.
The National Young Writers’ Festival (NYWF) is a non-profit organisation that runs a free, accessible arts festival for four days each year. An engaging and transformative bootcamp for writers under 35. The grant received from Lesbians Incorporated in round one of 2019 supports NYWF efforts by providing five travel bursaries to help artists attend and participate in the festival.
Artists forge regional and national connections, extending their own writing practice through events, networking and mentoring. NYWF 2018 saw over 4000 attendances across 95 events.
NYWF is a lesbian-friendly organisation with a history of providing professional development to queer communities. A significant portion of artists and audiences identify as LGBTQI+, and NYWF frequently receive positive feedback from queer attendees and artists who describe the festival as a supportive and welcoming space. In 2018, for example, NYWF had an entire stream of programming of events and workshops dedicated to LGBTQI+ artists and topics, such as ‘Published from the Margins’ and ‘Rainbow Read Roundtable’.